A former contemporary dancer and missionary, Tessa Stockton, who has also been active in politics and human rights groups, now writes Christian novels. The Unforgivable, available in Paperback, Kindle or Nook, is her first book in the political intrigue series, “Wounds of South America.”

Kym: Tell us about your recently released debut novel: The Unforgivable.
Tessa: It's a contemporary love story entangled in the aftermath of Argentina’s Dirty War—a military dictatorship that took place during the years 1976-1983. It’s about a Christian woman from Tennessee who goes to Buenos Aires for a quilting expo, then unexpectedly meets and falls in love with an ex-Navy officer whom she discovers is accused of war crimes.
Here’s the blurb:
Accused of the worst war crimes in the history of Argentina, Carlos Cornella is despised by a wounded nation…
“I’m in love with a monster. That’s what people call him anyway: monster, murderer, kidnapper, torturer, sociopath, even the devil. His crimes are so terrible that he may be unforgivable. But I have come to know him as something else. I know him as God’s Treasure. And I’m not sure what to do about that. So, here’s my story.”
Kym: Where did you find the inspiration to write this particular book?
Tessa: About 16-17 years ago, I was involved in human rights. In fact, choreographed a dance suite in memory of victims of Argentina’s Dirty War. Then I sort of had an epiphany. God gripped my heart and compelled me to pray for the very people whom acquaintances wanted to see brought to trial. I saw flaws in the blind zeal that buzzed around me, and even when I dove into the hard-to-stomach research way back when, the entire time, I couldn’t help but feel conflicted. I believe the Lord prodded me to dig deeper, searching for the spiritual significance of events that evolve from the aftermath of war. He led me on the path to forgiveness. All people, labeled monster or not, are children of God, regardless of earthly repercussion caused by sin, violence, war, remorse, guilt... God offers healing, and no one is immune from redemption. The Unforgivable is a result of that era in my life that left such an impact.
Kym: Can we expect similar stories from you in the future?
Tessa: Yes, The Unforgivable is the first book of the series, Wounds of South America. Each novel portrays love and redemption in the midst of some of the desperate political conflicts that have plagued South America.
Kym: Life is often challenging, so how do you keep your sanity in this world?
Tessa: Prayer, sleep, and coffee—in that order. If I go without one of those for long, I might cause trouble.
Kym: How can readers find you on the Internet?
Tessa: I’m on various online social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, also my blog, http://www.tessastockton.blogspot.com/ Other than that, come harass me at http://www.tessastockton.com/
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