I'd like to welcome author Deborah Molone to my blog.
Deborah has worked as a freelance writer and photographer, since 2001, for the historical magazine “Georgia Backroads.” She has had many articles and photographs published during this time. Her writing is featured in “Tales of the Rails” edited by Olin Jackson. She has also had a showing of her photographs at Floyd Medical Center Art Gallery as well as winning several awards. Her debut cozy mystery "Death in Dahlonega" is now available.She is a current member of the Georgia Writers Association, and a member of American Christian Fiction Writers. She has an established blog, Butterfly Journey, where she reviews Christian Fiction.
Q:When did you first discover that you were a writer?
A:I remember starting a book when I was just a young child, so the desire to write has been with me for a long time.
Q:What other books/short stories/articles/poems have you written, whether published or not.
A:I’ve been writing for a historic magazine since 2001. “Georgia Backroads” is a regional magazine devoted to the past history of Georgia. I’ve had many articles published during the past ten years. If you live in Georgia or the surrounding area you might want to check this out.
Q:Do you have an all time favorite book? Which genre do you prefer to read and why?
A:My all time favorite is probably “To Kill A Mockingbird”. My favorite genre is cozy mysteries/suspense.
Q:What was your greatest roadblock in writing this book and others, and how did you overcome it?
A:Finding the time to write in a hectic life. I have a daughter who is severely disabled and requires a lot of time for her care. I also took care of my dad while I was writing my first draft of “Death in Dahlonega”. But then again there were times that my writing was my salvation.
I also have fibromyalgia and suffer from chronic pain. I’ve had to make adjustments with my writing to accommodate the pain. Another challenge was editing and learning the techniques I needed to make it a good book. I’m still learning, but I have had the help of a couple of great editors. I would say it is worth the money to invest in a professional editor to help you when you’ve done all you can on your on.
Q:What advice would you give to an author just starting out?
A:You will hear this over and over. Join groups such as American Christian Fiction Writers, etc. These are places you can network and also learn techniques. Writing can be a lonely business and it is good to connect with other writers. Read books that are in the genre you are writing. Learn from them. Also, go to writing conventions. And then write, write, and write some more. Then never, never, never give up!
Q:How can readers find the book and where can they find you on the Internet?
A:you can find “Death in Dahlonega” at Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, and Lamp Post Publishing. You can find me at www.deborah-malone.com or my blog at www.deborahsbutterflyjourney.blogspot.com
Q:Tell us one interesting fact about you that your readers would find interesting, and maybe even surprising.
A:I don’t think I have anything that would be surprising, but I do love photography. I like to take macro shots of nature. The butterfly on my blog is one that I took.
Q:Can you tell me a little bit about your newest book?
A:My next book is “Murder in Marietta” a cozy mystery. This is the second book in the series of “Death in Dahlonega”. It takes place in Marietta, Georgia and features the main characters of Trixie, Dee Dee and great-aunt Nana. Anyone familiar with Marietta will recognize a lot of the landmarks in this book.
Q:When a reader gets done with your book, what do you want them to come away with?
Any last thoughts for your readers?
A:Enjoyment! This is purely a book that I would love for my readers to be able to sit down to and forget the trials and tribulations of the day and just be entertained. We have so many things that demand our attention in our life. I want “Death in Dahlonega” to provide some laughs to make you forget about the seriousness of life for just a little while. There are some underlying themes in the book such as starting over. Trixie has to take on a new career during her 40’s after she’s been out of the workforce for many years – but the themes are subtle and you’ll have to read the book to discover these themes. LOL
Back Cover: Lamp Post is PROUD to bring you Death in Dahlonega, a Trixie Montgomery Cozy Mystery — Winner in American Christian Fiction Writers’ Category Five writing contest!
A friendly adventure turns to murder and mayhem in the north Georgia mountains.
Historical writer Trixie Montgomery is asked to cover Gold Rush Days in the picturesque Georgia mountain town, Dahlonega. Trixie seizes the chance to mix business with pleasure and asks her best friend, Dee Dee to tag along.
Their well laid plans go awry when Dee Dee is discovered standing over the lifeless body of prominent citizen, John Tatum – the very man she’d had a run in with earlier that day – holding a bloody pickax in her hands.
Can Trixie find a way to finish her assignment and keep Dee Dee out of the slammer?
Now for a chance to win a copy of Deborah’s book, Death in Dahlonega.
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1) Leave a comment with your email address or check back later for the winner. If you won, you’ll need to email me your information.
2) Become a follower on this blog.
3) Leave a comment on my
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I can only ship in the US. Drawing will be done on March 11th. Please check back to see if you've won if you didn't leave your email address. If I don't have your email address and haven't heard from you by the 18th, I'll draw another name