Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Title: Into The Whirlwind
Author: Elizabeth Camden
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers (August 1, 2013)
Pages: 384

Sigh! I do so love ELIZABETH CAMDEN’S books. MS CAMDEN is one of the few authors I adore so much that I don’t need to know the title, see the cover, or be familiar with the synopsis of her new release. Nope. I just flat out purchase it, no hesitations, even when I have a pile of books to be read filling my bookshelves.  
Mollie Knox’s 57th Illinois Watch Company is a victim in the path of the fire that spread throughout part of Chicago, leaving destruction in its wake. Her father’s building may be in ruins, but that didn’t deter Mollie from taking what she was able to save and start anew.
Zack Kazmarek, an influential Chicago attorney, has secretly admired Mollie Knox’s for years. In the mist of escaping the great fire, Zack and Mollie are thrown together. Zack does little to hide his attraction to Mollie, while she does little to help it along. She may be intrigued by Zack Kazmarek, but their differences won’t allow them to be a suitable match - at least that’s what Mollie attempts to convince herself of. 
INTO THE WHIRLWIND only strengthened my love of MS CAMDEN’S writing. What a delight to discover the story revolves around the Chicago Fire. Living only an hour from the city my entire life, I’ve known of the tragedy, yet admittedly with little detail.

INTO THE WHIRLWIND took me on a journey back in time, so real I felt I was reading it in the newspaper as the horrific event unfolded. I was fascinated by the history, getting a glimpse of what the people of Chicago must have gone through. Things I could never imagine. So intrigued, I looked up several videos on the internet regarding the historical event.
What makes MS CAMDEN’S novels so amazing is the way she weaves history, well thought-out characters, an amazing plot, and a unique unfolding of the story together. The majority of romances have a set sequence of events, predictable to say the least. MS CAMDEN breaks the pattern in a refreshing way that only an amazing writer can pull off.
To say that I love her writing and will be looking for more novels by her in the future is becoming redundant. But yeah, can’t wait for the next adventure.

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