HEAD IN THE CLOUDS has my head in the clouds, dreaming of meeting my Gideon. What a wonderful story.
Probably the first half of the book I took my time, reading slowing, absorbing every word. After that point, I could no longer hold back and flipped through the pages, rapidly. If the cover doesn’t draw you in, then the title surely will. But if that isn’t enough, if you dare to read between the covers, the first page is bound to capture you.
As an aspiring writer, I savored every word. HEAD IN THE CLOUDS was brilliantly written, with an amazing storyline that will take you on an adventure you never want to end. How could one not fall in love with Gideon Westcott, as well as Adelaide Proctor? Every character was alive, bringing you into their world in such a way you forget they’re not real.
Karen was able to give Gideon a strong faith in such a natural way it flowed throughout the book, never seeming forced or jarring. Adelaide’s was also presented in the same way. Two wonderfully strong characters that seemed to compliment one another.
There was never a dull moment in HEAD IN THE CLOUDS. What there was is a wonderful placement of action, and romance at all the right times. Always believable, keeping you turning the pages. Right up to the very end.
It’s hard to believe this is only her second book. I can’t wait to get started on her first, A TAILOR-MADE BRIDE. Karen has definitely been added to my “favorite authors” list.
Funny thing, I had forgotten I signed up to be an influencer for this book. In September I went to the ACFW Conference in IN, and spotted HEAD IN THE CLOUDS and purchased it, along with A TAILOR-MADE BRIDE. When I arrived home, guess what was awaiting me? A copy of HEAD IN THE CLOUDS from the publisher! So even though I originally signed up to be an influencer, I don’t consider myself one because before that became a reality, I had purchased it on my own. I was that drawn to the story!
So fun to find a book you just can't put down.
It is, it is.
This one sounds good--thanks for sharing your thoughts on it.
Hope you get a chance to read it and enjoy it as much as I did.
I just got this book a couple of days ago. I haven't had a chance to read it yet.
But after reading your review I can't wait to get started, and don't you just love the back cover! Too funny:)
Good to hear you got the book. The back cover if funny. :-) I can't imagine you won't like it. It's so well written a great story with wonderful scenes and characters.
Have fun. I can only guess once you read it, you'll want to read the first as well. I can't wait to read it, myself.
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