Just as I had recently posted in my last blog post, a poorly written book can give me hope. Why? Because if that story can get published, then so can mine one day.
Once again this proves to be true.
One of my favorite writes is Linda Lael.Miller. I love her characters for their feistiness. To date I’ve read eighteen of her books…no make that eighteen and a portion. I was shocked after reading so many of her books to come across one that started out with her usual “bang” just to quickly dissipated. And I do mean quickly. I actually had to look at the cover several times to be sure it was one of her books. Sadly, I put it down and moved on to another book.
Since then I’ve read a few more, and to my relief they were the quick page turners I’d come to know and love. Hey, anyone can have a bad story once and awhile. Writing is not easy, and so much plays into it. In her defense it was a book written many years ago.
Several days ago I started another one of her books, and right away I sensed something was off…different. After a couple of chapters I looked to see what year it was published. 2000. That would make sense. Once again something early on in her career.
So now I’m struggling to make it through this book. I have about a hundred pages out of a little over three hundred to go. I feel as though I have too much time invested to quit now. Besides, I want to know how it turns out, and honestly, it’s giving me great hope so how can I abandon it.
It gives me hope in that I feel as though I’m reading all the mistakes I’ve been making in my own writing and to think that once Linda Lael Miller wasn’t the amazing writer she is today makes my heart sore. If she can go from where I believe I’m at, to where she is now…whoo hoo. So can I.
What an inspiration!
Kym-I hope you go for it and get your book published one day too. With much prayer God will move it along as he has provided you with such love and passion and ability to write.
Thanks, Jacki. :-)
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