I am so blessed to have been EXPOSED to this amazing book.
Some of the words that come to mind:
Ashley Weis is an amazing story teller. Exposed was beautifully written, and a story so desperately needed to be told. With today’s society so inundated with sex, it’s a must read. Ashley did an amazing job of keeping her readers turning pages. There are three main characters, Ally, Taylor and Jessie. Every other chapter was Ally and Jessie’s story, the others were Taylor’s.
Every chapter ending left you NEEDING to turn the next page. A definite “Wow” or “What” response. The entire story took you on an amazing journey into the lives of those affected by the porn industry.
The husband, the one caught up in the lies of porn.
The wife, the discovery of her husband’s addiction turns her world upside down.
The “porn star”, the devastation the industry inflicts on ones soul.
Every chapter had me captivated. The heart of the story and the way it was told was enough for this amazing book to stand on its own. I pretty much figured where the story was going…but oh how wrong I was.
With about seventy pages to go, I slipped into my bed and started to read. I soon realized I wouldn’t be putting it down until I finished. But what I hadn’t imagined is I would be shocked not once, or twice, but three times. I was blown away by the ending. The words amazingly powerful come to mind.
I can’t tell you want chapter I was on when the weeping began but I can tell you this. It did not stop until long after I closed the book. I can’t remember ever finishing a fictional book and wanting to pray for the characters with stories that touched my soul so deeply I ached for them.
My prayer is that this book will one day become a bestseller. The compassion alone it creates is one our society is in desperate need of.
DISCLOSURE: What can I say, I love books. As an inspiring author I love to read and share my experience of the books I’ve read. Through my reviews on Amazon, along with being part of the ACFW Email Loop, I’ve been blessed to be allowed as an influencer for several books. Of course not every book that’s looking for influencers is for me. I do my homework first. First I note the cover, then the title. If those two things draw me in, I then go to Amazon or other places I can read a synopsis. If I’ve never read the authors work before, I then read the first several pages when possible to see if their writing appeals to me.
When I receive a book, I’m quite excited to get started though in the misty of the excitement often comes a little anxiety. I am honest to a fault and hate nothing more than the thought of having to give a bad review. Thanks to the good Lord above, I have rarely come across one that I didn’t like. In fact quite the opposite. Many times I’m thrilled to have been blessed to read such a wonderful story. I’ve discovered several new authors I now can’t wait to read their next novel. And that is something I love to spread so it’s really a win, win situation.
This book was one of those blessings I offered to be an influencer.
Kim, I'm going to put that book into my Amazon cart. You have so much empathy. Be blessed.
You won't regret it, Kathy. It's truly an amazing book that will tug at your heart for a long time to come.
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