If I could use only one word to describe CROSSING OCEANS, it would prove to be a difficult task. What first came to mind was, WOW! But quickly after that came amazing, powerful, inspiring. There are books that others recommend, or you stumble across, that you could have done without, and then there are those that you truly feel blessed you were chosen to experience. A story that moves and grips you in such a way that it's bound to take a place in your soul for eternity. And CROSSING OCEANS is one of those.
From the first words to the last, each one was brilliantly orchestrated. As an aspiring writer, I long to write such a compelling story. The writing and storyline will keep you plastered to your seat as you absorb each and every word. The characters were honest, real, and three-dimensional. As much as I wanted to race through the pages, I found myself taking my time, never wanting to finish. Not only because it was an amazing story, but I feared how it would end.
CROSSING OCEANS will make you laugh and make you cry ... over and over and over. You will fall in love with the characters as you embark on their journies that filled with trials and tribulations no family should have to endure. Yet through it all, there is a lesson to be learned. One of love and sacrifice, regrets, forgiveness and growth.
Forgive and forgive often.
Love and love well.
Make each day count for you never know when you'll be called to cross the ocean.
I've just added this to my books to read list. Thanks for the review.
You won't regret it. Happy reading.
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