Wow, where do I begin. I was blown away when I read TAKEN BY STORM by Angela Morrison’s, so I had no doubt, SING ME TO SLEEP would be good. Yet I couldn’t have begun to foresee what an impact Beth’s story would have on me.
When I finish reading a book, I often run to the computer to write my review. Not so with SING ME TO SLEEP. There was no way I was emotionally ready after finishing the final pages. Heck, I wouldn’t have been able to see the screen, anyway.
I was pre-warned that I would need a box of tissues. Silently I said to myself, I don’t think so. As an avid reader, I’ve read my share of tearjerkers. One tissue, maybe…but a box? I don’t think so.
I couldn’t have been more wrong.
As an aspiring writer, I was in awe of Ms. Morrison’s writing as I read one great line after another. There was nothing I would have changed and that’s saying a lot. It exceeded anything I could have conjured up. She has a uniquely amazing way with words. Each line was perfect in every way. I laughed. I cried. I was angry. I smiled. I felt every emotion Beth, Derek, and Scott experienced. I felt as though I were right there in the midst of their lives
On page 88, my jaw dropped. Some of the sweetest words you could image came from Derek and Scott. Ms. Morrison is more then a writer of fiction. She’s a poet and a song writer as well. I was so caught up in the story that I longed for a soundtrack of, SING ME TO SLEEP.
I was taken back to my school days, living them through Beth and Scott. Many faces came to mind of past schoolmates. Kids today need to hear this story, as do teachers and parents.
SING ME TO SLEEP is filled with trials, and tribulations, as well as friendship, love, hope and faith. It was moving, gripping and intense. It set me on an emotional rollercoaster from the very first line to the very last!
I have never experience a book such as SING ME TO SLEEP where I sensed what direction the author was taking the characters early on, then doubted my decision several times, then was blown away by the final chapters.
This morning after the kids left for school and my husband for work, I sat down in the living room to read the remaining seventy pages. God must have known I would need the solitude. I began to read and couldn’t put it down. There were moments where I was chocked up but I kept reading, absorbing every word.
I held back my emotions…until I got to page 291. That’s were I lost it! I have never HAD to step away from a book before. After several long minutes, I was finally able to pull myself together enough to read the final pages. This was not the first time I’ve cried or got caught up in a book but NEVER to this capacity. I was an emotional wreck through the last three chapters. They were truly the most powerful chapters I’ve ever read.
This book is a must read for preteen, teens, young adults, teachers, parents, and so many more. One can not help but get caught up in the lives of these characters, each one beautifully done. I savored and absorbed every word, often rereading many lines because they were that good.
I see “movie” written all over this book. If some producer doesn’t snatch it up, they’ll be missing a great opportunity.
Watch out, Nicholas Sparks.