Not only do I learn about writing through books that I read, I also learn through the movies I’ve watch. After all they’re both telling a story, aren’t they?
There are several things that go into what would be considered a great novel or movie. One thing I’ve learned is a beginning or an ending can make or break a book or movie.
My daughter had waned to see the movie VALANTINE’S DAY, so when our library got it, I borrowed it. From what her friends said it would be confusing in the beginning but in the end would make sense. I made sure to pay close attention.
The movie started out good enough, and kept my interest throughout. Lots of great actors, and situations. You could anticipate a few ending but it was fun just the same. What I hadn’t anticipated was two of the characters outcomes. And because of that I was sorely disappointed.
Oh why, oh why do they have to go there! That alone pretty much killed the movie for me. I won’t get into it for I will not judge, nor do I want to be judged for saying so. I just don’t understand why society feels the need to… Oh yeah, it’s all about money, and power, and “freedom”…silly me.
Anyway, if the one situation hadn’t done it for me in killing the movie, the two main characters didn’t deliver in the end. You knew what would happen, and that would be great. But in my eyes it kind of drizzled out. They could have done something really special with it, yet chose not to. Instead it was just kind of awkward, and bluntly ended.
What I’ve learned about writing is that it’s imperative to start out with a bang/hook or you run the risk of never capturing your reader long enough to pull them in for the entire ride.
On the flipside, it’s equally important that you end your story just as strongly as you started it. Don’t just let it fizzle out. Don’t leave loose ends. Deliver what you promised…and with a bang!
I’ve read some books that started out with a bang, became stagnant in the middle, then later end with a bang. I was left with a feeling that it was a good book because it ended so well.
I’ve also had situations where a book was going along great, just to end horrible! I was then left with a memory of the book not being very good when in all actuality it was rather good...until the ending.
Now that we’ve covered the beginning and the ending, need I say the middle must be well written, too?
Lesson for today…make every word count!
Better believe it. If the end fizzles, the person is left wondering why they plunked down $15 in the first place.
You are so right!
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