Monday, January 6, 2014


Any way you look at it, it’s a lot of mail. Willow Creek Community Church recently had an amazing service geared towards those that are incarcerated. They sent out 20,000 gift packs to each and every inmate in Illinois! This is a huge task, not only financially, but logistically. Each pack contained two faith-based books, a Bible correspondence course, blank holiday cards to send to loved ones, a journal for notes, a cookie, and a chocolate bar. To the youth facilities, warm PJ’s were added.

In just a four-day span, Willow received 200 letters, most of which were thank you letters, expressing their deep appreciation. They felt Gods love as they realized someone cares about the forgotten and often look down upon. Some of their words nearly broke my heart, as they expressed this being the first time they've received a gift since their incarceration, many having been incarcerated for years. 

Several sent homemade cards in appreciation, and even a drawing. What a blessing.

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